Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July 31,2018

What For It...........

We found out Friday afternoon Pierre, our social worker in Burundi, was going to hopefully visit Jameson over the weekend. The purpose of the visit was to deliver his package and tell him about his mother and father. Like most news with our adoption, we begin praying for all hands in the process and remind ourselves everything is in his time. 

This afternoon, we received an unexpected phone call from Melissa, our social worker from All God's Children International. Melissa shared Pierre was able to visit Jameson this weekend!!!! She also explain he was hopeful our court date would take place in September. We're realistically looking at a November through January travel date. Praise the lord!!!!! This little guy will be home before we know it! 

              We're honored and blessed to be Jameson's forever parents!

                                             Jim and Kelly 

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