Our Choice

The Terrible "Toddler" Towel

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 Jim and I decided to start the process to adopt a child.  This was not the first time the discussion had taken place, but it was the first time that we were both truly ready to take the leap.  As any couple does, we've faced a lot of trials and tribulations.  But over the last year, our marriage has really become the type of relationship everyone hopes for.  We've matured as individuals, but also as a couple. Our growth as a couple has led us to the point of addition.  This might sound odd, but now that we feel complete, something felt incomplete.  We had both privately had our own thoughts about starting a family, but it wasn't until January 22nd that we made the connection together.

The decision to adopt wasn't really much of a decision at all.  We both have some medical issues that you may or may not be aware of.  These issues would make conceiving a child rather difficult. Then there is the fact that, with our age and occupations, raising a child from birth isn't exactly the best option for us.  Although we could make it work, it would require enormous sacrifice that, when compounded with the difficulties we would face trying to conceive, led us to the idea of adoption. On top of that, we both work with disadvantaged children on a daily basis, and we often find ourselves heartbroken at the circumstances and situations that we witness a lot of our students going through.  We help if we are able, but how wonderful would it be if we could help a child in such a way that he or she may never experience that kind of hardship again?  Well, adoption gives us that opportunity, and this was the final factor that led to our decision. 

As any couple does, we're sure to face a lot of trials and tribulations.  From now on, we'll face them as a FAMILY. 

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