Saturday, April 29, 2017


April 29, 2017

Ourselves and all the other families adopting from Burundi through All God's Children International are anxiously awaiting the next Committee meeting. We are eligible to get a referral, but it doesn't mean we will. The committee is scheduled to meet in May, fingers crossed sooner rather than later in the month!

In the meantime, families from our agency have been traveling to Burundi to meet and pick up their children. Check out this picture......... It simply melts our hearts! Cannot wait to experience this day. Jim is team girl!

We still have a lot of money to save! We truly appreciate all the support, love and prayers we've received during this process! 

Jim and Kelly 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017

Hello friends! We found out last evening our paperwork, in official terms our dossier, has been translated. What does this mean?

  • Our paperwork will be in the mix every quarter when the Central Authority meets to match eligible children with families! We requested a boy or girl age 2-5 (as young as possible). 
  • The real wait has begun. 
  • It could be anywhere from 1 month to 18 months before we receive a referral. 

We know and trust this process is in his time! Please continue to keep our family in your prayers if you are the praying type! Patience is our biggest prayer request at this time. 

Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. 

As I was doing some reflecting and reading today, I came across the following quotes that Jim and I really need to keep close to our hearts during this time! 

  • Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. 
  • You can't rush something you want to last forever.
  • Just because it's not happening right now, doesn't mean it never will. 
  • Be careful about rushing God's timing. You never know who or what He is protecting you or saving you from 
  • Don't count the days make the days count 


Jim and Kelly